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When you’re facing a federal issue, you need an attorney whose going to be available 24/7 to help you get the results and outcome you need. The value of working with the Spodek Law Group is that we treat each and every client like a member of our family.

What Are the Top Federal Crimes Prosecuted in California?

What Are the Top Federal Crimes Prosecuted in California?

Federal crimes refer to offenses that violate U.S. federal laws. They are investigated by federal law enforcement like the FBI, DEA, ATF, etc. and prosecuted by United States Attorneys in federal courts. Here’s an overview of some of the top categories of federal crimes charged in California, including examples, penalties, and defenses.

Drug Crimes

Drug offenses make up a huge chunk of federal cases in California. The feds focus on large-scale trafficking, distribution, and manufacturing crimes. For example:

  • Importing or exporting controlled substances
  • Distributing drugs like meth, heroin, cocaine
  • Manufacturing illegal drugs in clandestine labs
  • Trafficking marijuana across state lines

Penalties depend on the drug amount and can include hefty fines and decades in prison. Defenses aim to suppress evidence or argue you didn’t knowingly participate. For more, see this overview of federal drug crime defenses in California.

Fraud Crimes

Federal fraud charges are common in CA, especially:

  • Healthcare fraud (overbilling Medicare/Medicaid)
  • Tax fraud (not reporting income, false deductions)
  • Mortgage fraud (lying on loan apps)
  • Investment fraud (Ponzi schemes, insider trading)

Penalties vary based on the amount of loss. Tax fraud over $100k, for example, can mean up to 3 years in prison. Defenses aim to show you didn’t intentionally commit fraud. See more at this fraud crimes defense guide.

Firearms Offenses

Some common federal gun crimes in CA include:

  • Possession of a firearm by a prohibited person (felon, domestic abuser, etc)
  • Possession of an unregistered firearm like a machine gun
  • Trafficking firearms across state lines

Penalties range from fines to 10+ years in prison. Defenses aim to suppress evidence or argue the firearm wasn’t yours. For more, see this CA federal gun crime defense guide.

Sex Crimes

Federal prosecutors may charge serious sex offenses like:

  • Child pornography production, distribution, possession
  • Sex trafficking of minors or adults through force, fraud, coercion
  • Traveling across state lines to engage in unlawful sexual activity with a minor
  • Sexual abuse of a minor or adult on federal property

These carry lengthy prison sentences – up to life in some cases. Defenses aim to suppress evidence or argue consent. For more, see this federal sex crime defense guide.

White Collar Crime

Federal prosecutors often pursue complex white-collar cases like:

  • Securities fraud (insider trading stock schemes)
  • Embezzlement of bank or federal program funds
  • Bribery of public officials
  • Money laundering

Penalties depend on the amounts involved. Defenses aim to argue lack of criminal intent. See more at this white collar federal crime defense guide.

Cyber Crimes

Federal cyber crime charges may include:

  • Hacking into government or financial computer systems
  • Online fraud scams and theft
  • Identity theft
  • Distributing malware

Penalties range from fines to years in prison. Defenses aim to suppress digital evidence or argue lack of criminal intent. For more, see this CA federal cyber crime defense guide.

Immigration Offenses

Some common federal immigration charges in California include:

  • Illegal re-entry after deportation
  • Bringing in and harboring undocumented immigrants
  • Fraudulently obtaining citizenship
  • Visa fraud

Penalties range from fines to years in prison. Defenses aim to suppress evidence or argue lack of intent. See more at this immigration crime defense guide.

Violent Crimes

Federal prosecutors may bring charges for serious violent crimes like:

  • Murder, kidnapping, assault on federal property
  • Bank robbery
  • Hate crimes
  • Acts of terrorism

Penalties are severe – up to life in prison or death for murder. Defenses depend on the facts. See more violent federal crime defenses here.

How Are Federal Crimes Defended in California?

In federal cases, the prosecution has huge resources at their disposal. So the defense strategy is critical. Common tactics include:

  • Filing motions to suppress evidence due to 4th Amendment violations
  • Filing motions to dismiss for lack of probable cause
  • Contesting search warrants and arguing lack of probable cause
  • Carefully negotiating plea bargains for lesser charges/penalties
  • Challenging evidence/witnesses, arguing reasonable doubt at trial
  • Presenting affirmative defenses like entrapment, duress, self-defense
  • Arguing mitigating factors at sentencing like mental health, addiction, coercion

Federal charges should always be handled by an experienced defense lawyer. For more see this overview of federal crime defenses in California. With an aggressive defense, charges can often be reduced or dismissed pre-trial.

So in summary, federal prosecutors in California pursue a wide range of serious felony charges. The penalties are severe, so building an effective defense is critical. This overview covers some of the most common federal crimes charged and strategies used to fight them. Reach out to a skilled federal defense lawyer for help if you or a loved one are facing charges.


[1] Examples of Federal Crimes – 10 Common Ones – Shouse Law. 2022.

[2] The Federal Crime Bill: What Will it Mean for California? – LAO. 1994.

[3] Federal Crimes List – Clarifacts. 2023.

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