Pennsylvania Federal Criminal Lawyers
Federal crimes are serious offenses. They are prosecuted differently than state crimes. The federal process is a more complex system with severe penalties. Federal prosecutors will use all their resources to pursue charges against you. Some local law enforcement agencies even enlist the help of the DEA, FBI, or another federal investigation agency. Anyone who is charged with a federal crime is facing the full prosecution power of the United States government. This is not a case that you can fight alone without the help of an experienced federal defense attorney.
Your choice for an attorney may be the most important decision in your life. A local DUI or low-level drug crimes lawyer is not prepared to handle a complex federal case. You need someone who can face a federal prosecutor in court. Your attorney needs a successful track record. A federal defense attorney needs to know the laws and regulations of the federal criminal court process.
You want to find the right federal defense attorney in Pennsylvania. A federal criminal defense lawyer will fight for you. They have your best interest when they enter the courtroom. Federal courts cases are complex. You need a lawyer with the experience to back you and win the case against the top-level government attorneys. You can remain confident with a federal defense attorney on your side.

Protecting Your Rights with a Federal Defense Attorney
The federal prosecutors have built a strong case against you. You may even have boxes of evidence pertaining to your case. Don’t let that scare you! Federal investigative agencies spend weeks, months, and even years building a federal case for court. You may not even notice an investigation is ongoing until the charges are filed against you. The government uses all of its resources to build a case and guarantee a conviction.
Federal authorities use their resources for electronic surveillance to record your conversations. These agencies may also use undercover agents or other informants to capture your conversations or document your actions. A federal defense attorney will challenge this evidence in a court of law. These law enforcement agencies must adhere to certain standards of the courts. If they have violated your rights, the evidence can be thrown out of court.
A federal defense attorney will attack this evidence. The lawyer will file a motion to suppress evidence under Title III for wiretapping and surveillance. If you believe that your rights were violated during the evidence gathering phase, a federal attorney will help you in court.
You Need a Skilled Criminal Defense for Federal Court Cases
The federal government will stop at nothing to get a conviction. You need an experienced attorney for your federal criminal defense. These attorneys can give you the best chance for an acquittal. Some of these federal casesinclude:
• White collar crimes, such as bankruptcy fraud, tax fraud, wire fraud, and mortgage fraud
• Federal conspiracy, including drug conspiracies
• RICO charges
• Federal drug charges, including federal drug trafficking
• Federal violent crimes
• Federal sex crime charges
You Need a Federal Attorney for Early Intervention
If you think you are under investigation, you need to find an attorney right away. You don’t need a criminal charge against you to seek legal advice. A trained federal defense attorney will protect your rights during a grand jury investigation. If you have received a subpoena, you need to contact a lawyer today. It is important to seek legal representation as soon as possible. Your attorney may be able to prevent charges against you or even reduce the charges.
If you have been charged with a federal crime, you need to seek the legal counsel of an experienced attorney. For those who have been convicted and need an appeal, it is not too late. An experienced attorney will handle your appeals at all levels of the state and federal appellate courts.