NYC LSD Criminal Lawyers
Lysergic acid diethylamide is a drug most commonly known as acid or LSD. This synthetic, psychedelic drug can cause people to hallucinate and to have their judgment severely compromised. Because of this, LSD is a Schedule I controlled substance. Schedule I controlled substances cannot be manufactured, sold, or possessed in the United States. LSD was made illegal in the 1960s.
When people do take LSD, it usually comes on small paper tabs that are swallowed or licked. Capsules and liquid forms of the drug are also available. An LSD “trip” can last for more than twelve hours. The drug has multiple negative effects; users of LSD might have flashbacks months after their last use of the drug. LSD is such a powerful drug that the penalties for its possession or sale can involve years in prison.
If you’ve been accused of a crime related to LSD, it’s important for you to contact a New York defense lawyer who is experienced in drug-related cases. Spodek Law Group is a group of lawyers who have been practicing for more than forty years. They have extensive experience with the criminal justice system and can give you the best defense for your circumstances.
Types of Crimes

Two main categories divide LSD crimes: distribution or sale of LSD and possession of LSD. Sentences for possession tend to be lighter than sentences for the selling of LSD.
Possession of LSD
New York state law prohibits people from the possession of any amounts of LSD, no matter how small. Even tiny amounts can result in a criminal charge. The most minor charge for LSD possession refers to minuscule amounts. This is seventh degree criminal possession. It’s considered a class A misdemeanor and carries a potential sentence of up to one year spent in jail. For first time offenders, you might not be sentenced to jail; instead, you might be sentenced to three years of probation.
Fourth degree criminal possession will be leveled against you if you possess at least one milligram of LSD. This charge is a class C felony, which is a fairly serious felony charge. The maximum sentence for class C felonies is fifteen years in prison.
The more LSD you possess, the more severe the charge against you will be. Third degree criminal possession charges are leveled against people who possess at least five milligrams of the substance. This is a class B felony, which means your maximum possible sentence is twenty-five years in prison.
The most serious LSD-related drug offense is second degree criminal possession. This is classified as a class A-II felony and has a maximum potential sentence of spending the rest of your life in prison.
Selling LSD
Many people are arrested for the sale of LSD after police witness them exchanging the drug for money. But it’s not necessary for law enforcement to witness money changing hands for you to be charged with the sale of LSD. “Selling” is broadly defined under New York state law and refers to any time you exchange drugs with another person. Even if you give the drugs to that person as a gift, this will count as a drug “sale.” Things other than currency might be exchanged as well.
Fifth degree criminal sale is the most minimum charge for LSD distribution. This charge will be used when the police have no way to ascertain how much LSD was distributed.
Sales of at least one milligram will result in a class B felony of third degree criminal sale; sales of at least five milligrams will result in a class A-II felony of second degree criminal sale.