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An Article About Luring

Luring is when someone tries to get another person, usually a child, to go with them somewhere. This is very dangerous! As a society, we need to talk more about this issue and protect kids.

I want to have an open and empathatic conversation here. First, let’s look at some background on luring. What does the law say? Then we’ll get into some case studies and talk about how to educate kids on this topic. My goal is that readers come away more informed about this important issue.

What the Law Says

There are laws agains luring in most states. For example, in California its illegal to try to get a minor to enter your vehicle or building through words, gestures, or gifts, if you have bad intent[1]. You could face jail time and big fines!

The legal definition does leave some grey areas tho. Like what if someone makes an inapropriate joke, not realizing how it could be interpretted? We’ll get into that more later.

Real Life Examples

Lets look at some real life cases, to understand better how luring happens. In one sad case, a 10 year old girl was lured from a park by a man offering her candy. He assaulted her, and got 25 years in prison[2].

In another case, a coach tried to get boys on his team to do sexual things by offering sports equipment and trips. He pled guilty to luring and other charges, and will likely go to jail[3].

These real life examples break my heart. As a parent, they make me scared for my own kids! But awareness and education can help prevent future cases.

Educating Kids on Luring Dangers

We need to talk openly with kids about situations to watch out for. Explain that adults should not ask kids to break rules or keep secrets. Tell them its always ok to say no, get away, and tell a trusted adult.

Use real life stories as teaching tools. Discuss what those kids could have done differently. Brainstorm responses kids can use if approached, like “I don’t talk to strangers!” Practice these in a fun, engaging way.

Also talk about tricky situations. Like what if its someone you know? Or they say your family is hurt and you need to go with them? Have an open dialogue so kids feel comfortable coming to you about anything unusual.

A Complex Issue

Luring is complex becuase people can make mistakes. What if someone genuinely thinks their joke or offer will make a child happy? Still, we must air on the side of protecting kids.

If you see something questionable, consider stepping in. You could say “Hey, I don’t think they’re comfortable with that.” If needed, get authorities involved. We all have a role to play in keeping kids safe.

For those struggling with inappropriate thoughts about children, get help. Confide in a therapist, pastor, doctor etc. There are compassionate people ready to help you change those thoughts and behaviors.

Looking Ahead with Hope

The more we understand luring – the laws, real cases, child safety, and help for those struggling – the better we can combat it. Have open and ongoing conversations with kids about it.

If we educate our families, communities, and society, I beleive we can make a difference. Each child deserves a safe, happy childhood where they can just be kids.


[1] California Penal Code Section 647.6

[2] FOX News article on Ohio luring case

[3] CTV News article on Ontario coach luring case

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