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Juvenile Theft Charges


Juvenile Theft Charges

Hey there! As a parent, getting the news that your kiddo was busted for shoplifting can be scary and confusing. Believe me, I get it – no one wants to think of their child as a “criminal.”

First up, in Texas juveniles are considered anyone under 17. So if your child is 16 or younger, their case will go through juvenile court, not adult court. This is good, because juvenile court is focused on rehabbing young folks, not just locking them up. The goal is to teach kids why their actions were wrong and help them make better choices going forward.

Now, what happens when a teen gets caught stealing? Usually they’ll be arrested or given a citation. If it’s a more serious situation, they may be held in juvenile detention temporarily. But for minor shoplifting charges, it’s likely they’ll be released to you.

Here’s where things get real – your child will face consequences. How severe depends on what exactly they took and whether they have a record. Small-time shoplifting under $100 is a misdemeanor. Anything over $750 bumps it up to a felony. Penalties could include fines, community service, probation, educational programs, or even detention. Not gonna lie, as a mama myself, the thought of my daughter in juvie terrifies me. But that’s worst-case scenario.

While all this legal stuff is swirling, your top priority should be having an open and honest talk with your kid. Listen to their side of things, but also explain how theft hurts people and communities. Share your own values around honesty and respect. Most importantly, make it clear you’re on their team – you’ll get through this together.

On the legal side, hiring a criminal defense attorney can be a game-changer. An experienced lawyer knows how to navigate the juvenile justice system and will fight to protect your child’s rights. They can work to minimize penalties and reduce lasting impacts on your kid’s future. Attorney fees suck, no doubt, but this is your child we’re talking about. It’s worth it.

If your teen does get sentenced, stay positive. Completing community service hours or meeting with a probation officer might just be the wake-up call they need. Remind them that while this feels huge now, it doesn’t have to define them. Plenty of successful, ethical adults had youthful indiscretions. Help your kid see this as a chance to learn and grow.

Most importantly, focus on prevention. If you notice suspicious behavior, have an open talk. Peer pressure is real, so discuss ways your teen can resist and stand up for their values. Make sure they know you’re always available to listen and help, no judgment.

Bottom line, one mistake doesn’t make your child a “bad kid.” With love, guidance and maybe some legal help, this could be an opportunity for personal growth. And years from now, that shoplifting charge will just be a distant memory. You got this, mama!

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