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Camden County Human Trafficking Defense Lawyer

Helping Victims of Human Trafficking in Camden County

Human trafficking is a horrific crime that impacts thousands of victims every year. In Camden County, New Jersey, human trafficking is an unfortunate reality. As a major urban area located near major highways and transportation hubs, Camden County sees more than its share of trafficking activity.

Defending victims of human trafficking requires a dedicated legal team with experience handling these sensitive cases. At our firm, we have extensive experience representing survivors of labor and sex trafficking in Camden County and beyond. Our compassionate attorneys provide trauma-informed legal services to help victims move forward and seek justice.

Understanding Human Trafficking in Camden County

New Jersey ranks in the top 10 states for reported cases of human trafficking. Within the state, Camden County is considered a hub. Factors like proximity to Philadelphia and Atlantic City, major highways, airports, and public transit make the county attractive for traffickers. They can easily transport victims while hiding in plain sight.

Both sex and labor trafficking happen throughout Camden County. Sex trafficking involves the exploitation of a person for commercial sex acts. This includes prostitution, pornography, stripping, and escort services. Labor trafficking is forcing a person to work through force, fraud, or coercion. Common forms include domestic work, factory work, door-to-door sales crews, and agriculture.

Traffickers use various techniques to control their victims. They may use violence and threats against victims or their families. Traffickers take advantage of vulnerabilities like immigration status, poverty, substance abuse, or mental health concerns. Victims are often isolated from friends and family. Their identification documents may be taken away. Victims are made to believe they cannot leave.

Our Empathetic, Trauma-Informed Approach

The trauma inflicted by traffickers requires compassionate legal advocacy. At our firm, we take an empathetic, trauma-informed approach. We understand the manipulation and abuse victims have endured. Building trust and helping survivors feel safe is our priority.

We never judge victims for activities they engaged in while being trafficked. Our team provides support for the whole person. We connect clients to counseling, housing, job training, and other social services. Meeting basic needs enables victims to focus on healing and seeking justice.

Our attorneys are sensitive to triggers when interacting with clients. We allow victims to share information at their own pace. We also coordinate with advocates from trafficking service organizations. This provides continuity of care for survivors.

Defending Victims in Criminal Cases

Many trafficking victims are arrested for prostitution, drug crimes, theft, and other offenses tied to their exploitation. Our criminal defense team works to vacate these convictions.

In cases involving minors, we emphasize their status as trafficking victims. We work to divert cases out of adult court through family court. Our goal is rehabilitation and services, not punishment.

For adult victims, we make court presentations on the dynamics of human trafficking. We present evidence on force, fraud and coercion by traffickers. Requesting leniency, we aim for probation, counseling and rehabilitation services.

If needed, we build strong trial defenses. We retain experts on trauma bonding, PTSD and the psychology of human trafficking. Skilled cross-examination of state witnesses can undermine their credibility. We have achieved full acquittals for victims by demonstrating they acted under duress.

Helping Victims Seek Restitution

Human trafficking survivors may have legal claims against their traffickers as well as third parties that facilitated their exploitation. Our attorneys help victims pursue financial restitution through civil litigation.

Federal law allows victims to sue traffickers for damages. Successful suits can recover compensation for medical costs, pain and suffering, lost income, and other losses. These suits deter traffickers while funding recovery for victims.

Third party entities like hotels, websites, and transportation companies can also be held liable. We build strong cases demonstrating their negligence in facilitating trafficking. Settlements from corporate defendants can total in the millions.

For victims still traumatized by their experience, deposing traffickers or testifying can be re-traumatizing. We seek alternatives like video depositions. Our goal is maximizing compensation while minimizing distress for clients.

A Coordinated Response is Key

Combating human trafficking requires a coordinated community response. Our attorneys participate in the Camden County Human Trafficking Task Force. We provide training for law enforcement, social services, government agencies, and community groups.

By presenting at schools, churches, and community centers, we help raise public awareness about trafficking. We advocate for stronger state laws and victim support services. We also consult with legislators on policy reforms.

You Are Not Alone – Call Our Office Today

If you or a loved one are a victim of human trafficking in Camden County, please call our office. Our dedicated legal team will fight to defend your rights. With support and effective legal advocacy, survivors can move forward in safety and regain their dignity. There is hope, justice, and a brighter future ahead. You don’t have to face this alone – help is a phone call away.

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