Brooklyn Food Stamp Fraud Lawyers
Brooklyn Food Stamp Fraud Lawyers
Over the last few decades, efforts have been made in order to make sure that all Americans have access to food. People need a certain level of calories each day to survive. Some people may not have money to pay for part or all the food they need. Enter a government program known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or by the initials SNAP. Commonly known by most people as food stamps, this program is designed to make sure that all who need food help are given access to it. Many companies also participate in this program. Those who are involved in selling food by managing a local supermarket or selling food to the public in any other way have the right to accept snap payments by their clients. Doing so enables them to assist recipients. It also enables the manager or store owner to have a group of people who can afford their products and thus have the ability to buy the foods they want and need.
Many People
Over forty million people participate in snap. Some may use food stamps for only a short period while others may rely on them for much longer time. Officials who deal with the food stamp form of payment in any way should keep in mind that there are many laws that govern the use of food stamps. By law, those who get food stamps are required to spend the money on certain products. Government officials have issued guidelines indicating exactly what can be purchased this way. Many popular products cannot be bought with food stamps. This includes items like liquor and tobacco in any form. Recipients are also barred from purchasing items like toiletries, certain forms of prepared foods and medications.

All those who are working with a population that uses food stamps in any way should be fully cognizant of exactly how this program works. When someone buys items that are not allowed to be purchased with food stamps, the person using them can be held responsible. The same is true of those who accept such stamps. They cannot let the stamp holder buy such items even if they attempt to do so and even if the cashier lets them. They are considered responsible for enforcing such laws and making sure that any form of food stamps are not used by the recipients in ways that are not allowed by law.
Snap Fraud
Food stamp fraud can also take other forms. A store owner may agree to accept the food stamps. The buyer can choose to buy products they are legally allowed to purchase but give the owner more food stamps than the worth of the products. In turn, the store owner may give the recipient cash and take part of the funds for their own use. A store owner can also allow use of the food stamps by someone they know is not legally authorized to use them. Store owners may also agree to buy food stamps for cash at a lesser value than the cost of the stamps.
All of these issues can create the possibility of prosecution by the federal government. The federal government may choose to investigate the possibility of food stamp fraud in a single case or because they suspect there is a pattern of fraud over time. Vendors who are accused of food stamp fraud can face many potential consequences. A vendor may face a temporary ban that does not allow them to accept such stamps. If government officials find that the person has repeatedly violated food stamp guidelines, they can be barred from accepting food stamps ever again.
Given the fact that food stamps may make up a significant percentage of a vendor’s income in certain areas, such accusations can eat into their profits. They can also make other vendors more competitive in that area. This is why it is important to fight such allegations as quickly as possible. Doing so enables any vendor to make sure this form of income is not taken from them if they have not done anything wrong. Assistance from Brooklyn food stamp fraud lawyers can make sure the vendor’s interests are fully protected.
Don’t deal with Brooklyn Food Stamp Fraud Lawyers alone. Speak to the Spodek Law Group today.
The Food Stamp Program and Fraud
The food stamp program is a way for people who don’t have a job or who are experiencing financial difficulties to get food for the family. Most of the time, it’s a temporary type of assistance until the person is able to get back to work. A review is submitted by the person receiving food stamps at least once a year. Most states require a review to be submitted every six months. When someone applies for food stamps or submits a review, there are some ways that the person can be charged with food stamp fraud. There are also actions that the person can take with the food stamp benefits that are received that can result in fraud charges.
Most of the time, food stamp fraud occurs when someone exchanges the benefits that are received for money. The money is then used for everything from toiletries for the home to drugs depending on what the person needs or wants to purchase. When someone commits this kind of act, it’s called trafficking and is often punished in a manner that is more severe than if someone were to lie on an application. Another type of fraud that occurs with food stamps is when someone gives false information on an application or a review in order to obtain more benefits. Retailers can also be found guilty of food stamp fraud if they continue to accept this form of payment when the retailer has been disqualified from the food stamp program.
When someone receives food stamp benefits, the amount is to be used to purchase food for the home. It’s not to be spent on items like beer, wine, cigarettes or toiletries. However, some people might exchange the benefits for cash so that they can get these items. This is a common form or fraud. Trafficking charges can result in disqualification from the food stamp program and being ordered to repay the amount that was received. The person can also be sentenced to jail or probation depending on the amount and the criminal history.
Another common type of food stamp fraud is when someone initially applies for benefits or submits a review and gives false information. Several details can be altered on the application that could result in the person getting food stamps when they shouldn’t or getting more benefits than they should receive. The person can claim less income to make it look as though there isn’t as much money coming into the home, which would result in a higher benefit amount. The person could also claim that there are more people living in the home than there really are, which would mean that the income bracket would increase. Even though social security cards are needed for each person on the application, the applicant can find friends who are willing to give their information in exchange for money or a portion of the benefit amount.
A Brooklyn food stamp fraud attorney can guide you through the process of the charges and submit information to explain what happened with the case. At times, the attorney might be able to find that a mistake has been made in filing the application and processing the information. If you are found guilty, the attorney can try to keep you out of jail by pleading for probation. You will likely not be able to apply for food stamps in the future, and you will usually have to pay back any amount that you fraudulently received.