Bronx Drug Selling Lawyers
Being arrested and charged with selling drugs can be a harrowing experience. You might have been in the wrong place at the wrong time and the victim of a police operation in which they did not bother to distinguish the actual perpetrators of the crime from those who happened to be in the vicinity. This occurs quite frequently, and you should not be threatened and bullied into confessing to something you did not do. If you find yourself in a cage unexpectedly, your first phone call should be to an attorney. Not just any lawyer, but a lawyer who specializes in drug trafficking defense cases.
Police and prosecutors who have put together an operation designed to disrupt a drug distribution and retail operation have a great deal riding on its success. They have been given money and resources and the powers that be expect results. If the outcome is less than grand, then the law enforcement officials involved will look weak and incompetent. It may stall a few promising careers or even cause some people to be transferred to less preferable posts.
This gives the people who arrested you and the people who intend to convict you of drug trafficking every incentive to make the case against you, no matter what the truth may be. But you should not be mistreated, you should not have your rights trampled on, and you should not be made to confess to a crime you didn’t commit just to make a prosecutor look good or to give a police officer a better chance for advancement.

The law is about much more than clearing cases. It is about due process, fair and equal treatment of anyone held under suspicion, and getting to the truth. If you know that you have been unjustly arrested, then you should not chirp a word until you have had a chance to sit down with an attorney.
It may be the case that your name is on a warrant. The police have you as one of the suspects they believe are involved in selling drugs in your neighborhood. This is another thing that happens all the time. The police get much of their intelligence and information from convicts, former convicts, and other snitches on the street. It is not always reliable, but in too many cases they will take a name and come up with a way to make evidence stick against to that person.
The fact of the matter is that the authorities must still prove their case. Drug trafficking is defines as the selling or distribution of controlled substances. They are bound by law to definitively link you to such an operation. You are innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around. Police and prosecutors often lose sight of that in their zeal to lock people up.
Hiring a lawyer will ensure that you do not fall victim to an overly aggressive police anti-drug operation. It will ensure that your rights are protected and preserved. You cannot be convicted of selling drugs by virtue of being in the place that the police raided. It doesn’t work that way. Nor will it do for authorities to pressure you into submitting a statement you know to be untrue. It is not uncommon for those that interview you to try and coax a confession out of you by making a bewildering and confusing mixture of threats and promises.
Your best play if you have been arrested is to say nothing at all until you have had the opportunity to be advised by counsel. You will then be in a much stronger position to work toward your freedom.