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How Do FTC Civil Investigative Demands Fit Into Broader FTC Investigations?

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

How FTC civil investigative demands (CIDs) fit into broader FTC investigations: CIDs are a form of compulsory process similar to subpoenas that the FTC uses to obtain documents, information, and testimony to advance its consumer protection and competition investigations (Search results 1, 2, 6). They allow the FTC to gather facts and data related to […]

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When Can You Expect Follow-Up Civil Investigative Demands From the FTC?

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

The FTC can issue follow-up CIDs at any point during an investigation if they have additional questions or need more information. According to the FTC’s guidance for small businesses 1, if your responses to the initial CID raise additional questions, expect follow-up demands for more information.The FTC may also approach a company about negotiating a […]

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What to Do if You Disagree With the Premise of an FTC Civil Investigative Demand

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Contents1 What to Do If You Disagree With an FTC Civil Investigative Demand1.1 Understand the Investigation1.2 Seek Legal Counsel1.3 Request an Extension1.4 Comply Completely1.5 Seek Judicial Intervention2 Resources What to Do If You Disagree With an FTC Civil Investigative Demand Receiving a civil investigative demand (CID) from the Federal Trade Commission can feel intimidating. You […]

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Responding to Burdensome or Overly Broad FTC Civil Investigative Demands

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Contents1 Responding to Burdensome or Overly Broad FTC Civil Investigative Demands1.1 Assessing the Scope of the FTC Investigation1.2 Evaluating Burden and Relevance1.3 Petition to Limit or Quash1.4 Seeking Judicial Review1.5 Negotiating Limitations1.6 Avoiding Privilege Waivers1.7 Avoiding Follow-On Litigation1.8 Takeaways Responding to Burdensome or Overly Broad FTC Civil Investigative Demands When a company receives a civil […]

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How Receiving a Civil Investigative Demand Impacts a Company’s SEC Reporting Obligations

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Contents1 How Receiving a Civil Investigative Demand Impacts a Company’s SEC Reporting Obligations1.1 Understanding Civil Investigative Demands1.2 Weighing the Implications1.2.1 Key Early Decisions1.3 Evaluating Reporting Obligations1.3.1 1. Material Information1.3.2 2. Risk Factors1.3.3 3. Financial Statements1.3.4 4. Insider Trading1.4 Strategies for Responding How Receiving a Civil Investigative Demand Impacts a Company’s SEC Reporting Obligations When a […]

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Key Differences in Responding to FTC vs. FDA or SEC Civil Investigative Demands

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Key Differences in Responding to FTC vs. FDA or SEC Civil Investigative Demands Based on the search results, here are some key differences in responding to Federal Trade Commission (FTC) vs. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) civil investigative demands:FTC Civil Investigative Demands (CIDs) Issued under FTC Act authority to […]

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Crafting a Civil Investigative Demand Response Strategy Centered on Cooperation

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Contents1 Crafting a Civil Investigative Demand Response Strategy Centered on Cooperation1.1 Understanding the Context and Scope of the Investigation1.2 Assembling the Right CID Response Team1.3 Verifying Lawful Basis and Scope1.4 Crafting Your Production Strategy1.4.1 Table Highlighting Key Strategy Elements1.5 Considering DOJ Meeting Requests1.6 Evaluating Your Cooperation and Results1.7 Resources Crafting a Civil Investigative Demand Response […]

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Estimating Outside Counsel Spend for Responding to an FTC Civil Investigative Demand

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Contents1 Estimating Outside Counsel Spend for Responding to an FTC Civil Investigative Demand1.1 Key Factors That Impact FTC CID Response Costs1.2 Where Does the Money Go?1.3 Controlling Outside Counsel Spend Estimating Outside Counsel Spend for Responding to an FTC Civil Investigative Demand Receiving a civil investigative demand (CID) from the Federal Trade Commission can be […]

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Understanding Civil Investigative Demand Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Rules

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Understanding Civil Investigative Demand Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Rules Based on the search results, here is a summary of key information about understanding civil investigative demand (CID) confidentiality and non-disclosure rules:A CID is a type of subpoena used by government agencies like the DOJ and FTC to compel the production of documents or testimony related to […]

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How Responding to a Civil Investigative Demand Can Strengthen Compliance Programs

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

How Responding to a Civil Investigative Demand Can Strengthen Compliance Programs Based on the search results, here are some key points about responding to a civil investigative demand (CID) and how it can strengthen compliance programs: CIDs are like administrative subpoenas issued by the FTC to demand information related to investigations. Ignoring them can lead […]

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When Do FTC Civil Investigative Demands Justify Implementing a Litigation Hold?

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Contents1 When Do FTC Civil Investigative Demands Justify Implementing a Litigation Hold?1.1 What is a CID?1.2 When to Implement a Litigation Hold1.3 Grounds for Challenge1.4 Is a Lawsuit Likely?1.5 If Sued, What Remedies?1.6 Key Takeaways When Do FTC Civil Investigative Demands Justify Implementing a Litigation Hold? Receiving a civil investigative demand (CID) from the Federal […]

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Managing Civil Investigative Demand Stress and Anxiety for Executives

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Contents1 Managing Civil Investigative Demand Stress and Anxiety for Executives1.1 Understand the Reason for the CID1.2 Build a Strong Legal Team1.3 Carefully Evaluate the Request1.4 Communicate with Stakeholders1.5 Implement Organizational Safeguards1.6 Seek Outside Support If Needed1.7 Practice Stress Management Techniques1.8 Remain Confident in the Company’s Position1.9 Additional Resources Managing Civil Investigative Demand Stress and Anxiety […]

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Creating an Internal Civil Investigative Demand Response Team: Who Should Be Involved

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Creating an Internal Civil Investigative Demand Response Team: Who Should Be Involved Based on the search results, here is a helpful and informative 2000-word article on “Creating an Internal Civil Investigative Demand Response Team: Who Should Be Involved”. The article covers key considerations for assembling a response team, examining the legality of the CID, preparing […]

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How Civil Investigative Demand Targets Can Avoid Common Mistakes and Missteps

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

How Civil Investigative Demand Targets Can Avoid Common Mistakes and Missteps Based on the search results, here is a summary of key information and advice for civil investigative demand (CID) targets to avoid common mistakes and missteps: Contents1 What is a Civil Investigative Demand (CID)2 Common Mistakes to Avoid2.1 1. Failure to Preserve Documents2.2 2. […]

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Plotting a Long-Term Company Strategy Around an FTC Civil Investigative Demand

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Understanding the CID A CID is like an administrative subpoena that compels a company to provide information, documents, testimony, etc. related to an FTC investigation. It is enforceable in court. Read through the CID carefully to understand the scope and nature of the FTC’s inquiry. This can help tailor the response strategy. Hire an experienced […]

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When Civil Investigative Demands Lead to Expanded FTC Industry-Wide Investigations

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Contents1 When Civil Investigative Demands Lead to Expanded FTC Industry-Wide Investigations1.1 FTC’s Investigative Authority1.2 The Civil Investigative Demand1.3 From Specific Investigation to Industry-Wide Review1.4 Case Study: Tech Platform Investigations1.5 Avoiding CIDs and Investigations When Civil Investigative Demands Lead to Expanded FTC Industry-Wide Investigations The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has broad authority to investigate potential violations […]

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How Corporations Can Challenge Overbroad Federal Document Subpoenas

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Key Points Corporations have a right to challenge subpoenas that are overly broad or unduly burdensome. This includes federal document subpoenas requesting materials that are irrelevant to the investigation or excessively voluminous. Grounds for challenging a subpoena include scope, relevance, privilege, and proportionality. Corporations can file a motion to quash or modify the subpoena in […]

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What Constitutes Undue Burden When Fighting Federal Subpoenas?

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Contents1 What Constitutes Undue Burden When Fighting Federal Subpoenas?2 What is an Undue Burden?3 Fighting Back Against Overly Broad Subpoenas3.1 File a Motion to Quash3.2 Seek a Protective Order3.3 Negotiate with the Other Party4 Assessing Undue Burden Depends on Specific Circumstances5 Resources What Constitutes Undue Burden When Fighting Federal Subpoenas? Dealing with a federal subpoena […]

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Shielding Trade Secrets When Responding to Federal Subpoenas

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Contents1 Shielding Trade Secrets When Responding to Federal Subpoenas2 Understanding Federal Subpoenas3 Options for Protecting Trade Secrets3.1 File a Motion to Quash3.2 Ask for Protective Order3.3 Provide Redacted Documents3.4 Negotiate Compromise4 Handling Document Production5 Getting Help6 What About Gag Orders?7 Recap of Key Tips8 Resources Shielding Trade Secrets When Responding to Federal Subpoenas Dealing with […]

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How to Petition Federal Courts for Subpoenaed Witness Fees

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Contents1 How to Petition Federal Courts for Subpoenaed Witness Fees2 Determining Eligibility3 Calculating Mileage Fees4 Completing the Witness Fee Form5 Filing Deadline and Procedure6 Appealing a Denied Claim7 Resources How to Petition Federal Courts for Subpoenaed Witness Fees If you have been subpoenaed as a witness in a federal court case and incurred travel or […]

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Subpoenaed Encrypted Data? Fighting Government Demands Under Federal Law

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Contents1 Navigating Encrypted Data Requests From the Government2 The Legal Context3 The Technical Difficulties4 The Ethical Dilemma5 Responding to Government Demands6 Moving Forward7 Resources Navigating Encrypted Data Requests From the Government When the government demands access to encrypted user data from tech companies, it sets up a complex legal battle involving privacy rights, lawful access, […]

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Responding to Federal Trial Subpoenas Without an Attorney: Key Tips

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Contents1 Responding to Federal Trial Subpoenas Without an Attorney: Key Tips2 Understanding Your Subpoena Obligations3 Preparing Your Testimony4 Producing Documents5 Getting Help From Legal Aid6 In Summary… Responding to Federal Trial Subpoenas Without an Attorney: Key Tips Getting served with a federal trial subpoena can be intimidating. You may feel anxious about having to appear […]

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Subpoenaed Cell Phone Records? Understanding Federal Privacy Protections

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Key Points Law enforcement agencies can subpoena cell phone records from carriers as part of an investigation. This may include call logs, text message logs, location data, and other information. There are some legal protections in place regarding government access to private phone data. For example, the Supreme Court has ruled that police generally need […]

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How Parents Can Fight Federal Subpoenas for Children’s Mental Health Records

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Contents1 How Parents Can Fight Federal Subpoenas for Children’s Mental Health Records2 Understanding Federal Authority to Subpoena Records3 Grounds for Motioning to Quash the Subpoena4 Using HIPAA and FERPA to Uphold Privacy Rights4.1 1. HIPAA4.2 2. FERPA5 Seeking Legal Representation6 What to Do If the Motion to Quash Fails7 Questions Parents Should Ask Attorneys8 Conclusion: […]

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How HIPAA Protects Medical Records When Facing Federal Subpoenas

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Contents1 How HIPAA Protects Medical Records When Facing Federal Subpoenas2 HIPAA Overview3 HIPAA Privacy Rule4 HIPAA and Subpoenas5 HIPAA Subpoena Requirements6 Limits on Medical Record Disclosures7 Patient Notification of Disclosures8 Enforcement and Penalties9 Working with Legal Counsel10 Conclusion11 Resources How HIPAA Protects Medical Records When Facing Federal Subpoenas The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act […]

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Fighting Federal Subpoenas on Fifth Amendment Grounds: When You Can Stay Silent

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Contents1 Fighting Federal Subpoenas on Fifth Amendment Grounds: When You Can Stay Silent2 Overview of the Fifth Amendment Right Against Self-Incrimination3 When You Can Fight a Federal Subpoena Based on the Fifth Amendment4 How to Plead the Fifth Against a Federal Subpoena5 When the Fifth Amendment Privilege Against Self-Incrimination Does NOT Apply6 Resources6.1 Articles and […]

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How a Queens DUI Lawyer Can Help Reduce Your Charges

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Contents1 How a Queens DUI Lawyer Can Help Reduce Your Charges2 Understanding Your DUI Charges3 How a Lawyer Can Reduce Your Charges4 Why Hire a Queens DUI Lawyer?5 Finding the Best DUI Lawyer in Queens5.1 Look for extensive DUI experience5.2 Verify bar association memberships5.3 Get referrals from past clients How a Queens DUI Lawyer Can Help Reduce Your Charges Dealing with a DUI charge in Queens can be really stressful and scary. Believe me, I get it. […]

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What to Do When You Receive an FTC Civil Investigative Demand

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Contents1 What to Do When You Receive an FTC Civil Investigative Demand2 What is a Civil Investigative Demand?3 Why Did I Get One?4 What Are My Responsibilities?5 What Are My Rights?6 Tips for Responding Appropriately7 When is This Going to End? What to Do When You Receive an FTC Civil Investigative Demand So you just […]

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Seeking an Extension for Responding to an FTC Civil Investigative Demand

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Contents1 Seeking an Extension for Responding to an FTC Civil Investigative Demand2 What is a CID?3 Why Would You Need an Extension?4 How Do You Request an Extension?5 How Long of an Extension Can You Get?6 What’s the Downside of Extensions?7 When Would an Extension Request Be Denied?8 What Happens if You Miss the Extended […]

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Key Ways Civil Investigative Demand Targets Differ From Third Parties

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Key Ways Civil Investigative Demand Targets Differ From Third Parties Based on the search results, here are some key ways civil investigative demand (CID) targets differ from third parties: CID Targets The main focus of the investigation. The government believes they may have violated laws or regulations. Required to provide potentially large amounts of information, […]

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