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How to Choose the Best Criminal Defense Lawyer in Brooklyn

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

How to Choose the Best Criminal Defense Lawyer in Brooklyn Finding the right criminal defense lawyer can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. With so many options to choose from, selecting the best attorney in Brooklyn for your specific legal needs can feel overwhelming. This guide covers key factors to consider […]

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Understanding Misdemeanor vs Felony Charges in Brooklyn

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Understanding Misdemeanor vs Felony Charges in Brooklyn Facing criminal charges can be an overwhelming and scary experience. Many people do not fully understand the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony charge, or the potential consequences of each. This article provides an in-depth explanation of misdemeanors vs felonies in Brooklyn specifically, including definitions, examples of […]

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Understanding Criminal Possession of Stolen Property Laws

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Understanding Criminal Possession of Stolen Property Laws Being accused of criminal possession of stolen property can be an overwhelming and scary situation. However, with the right legal guidance, you can better understand the charges against you and build an informed defense. This article provides an overview of criminal possession laws, possible defenses, and next steps […]

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Using Intoxication as a Defense to Criminal Charges

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Using Intoxication as a Defense to Criminal Charges Being intoxicated can lead people to make poor decisions that result in criminal charges. However, intoxication may also be used as a legal defense in some cases. This article provides an overview of intoxication defenses and how they may apply. When Intoxication Can Be a Defense Intoxication […]

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UCC Lien Continuation Statements: Keeping Your Position Intact

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Keeping Your UCC Lien Position Intact with Continuation Statements Filing a UCC financing statement is an important step for secured parties to establish priority liens on personal property collateral. But the initial filing only lasts for 5 years, after which the lien expires automatically. To keep the lien active, the secured party must file a […]

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I Paid Off My Business Loan But The UCC Lien Remains – What Should I Do?

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

I Paid Off My Business Loan But The UCC Lien Remains – What Should I Do? If you took out a business loan and have recently paid it off, you may be wondering why there is still a UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) lien associated with the loan showing up on your business credit report or […]

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Got a UCC Lien from a Business Loan? How to Remove It Once Repaid

March 21, 2024

  Got a UCC Lien from a Business Loan? How to Remove It Once Repaid So your small business needed a bit of a cash flow boost a while back. You took out a loan using your equipment or other assets as collateral. Not an unusual situation these days! But now that loan has been […]

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Terminating UCC Liens from Old Business Loans: Dos and Don’ts

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Terminating UCC Liens from Old Business Loans: Dos and Don’ts Dealing with an old UCC lien from a previous business loan can be confusing and stressful. A UCC lien allows the lender to claim your business assets if you default on the loan. Even after paying off the loan, many small business owners discover these […]

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Removing Invalid UCC Liens Related to Business Loan Payoffs

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Navigating the Pecking Order of UCC Lien Priority Understanding lien priority under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) can be tricky. There’s a whole pecking order that determines who gets paid first if a debtor defaults. This article will walk through the basics so you can wrap your head around it. First Things First – What […]

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Business Loan Paid in Full But UCC Filing Remains? How to Remove It

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Getting that UCC Filing Removed After Paying Off Your Biz Loan So you finally paid off that business loan that was hanging over your head for years. Congrats! It feels so good to get out from under that debt. But then you notice the lender never removed their UCC financing statement filing. Ugh! Now what? […]

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Business Bankruptcy: An Overview

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Business Bankruptcy: An Overview Declaring bankruptcy can be a difficult decision for any business owner, but it is sometimes necessary to give the business a fresh start. Business bankruptcies allow companies to reorganize their debts or liquidate assets to pay off creditors. Understanding the basics of business bankruptcy can help owners make informed choices during […]

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What You Need To Know Before Restructuring Business Debt

March 21, 2024

What You Need To Know Before Restructuring Business Debt Restructuring business debt can be a complex process, but it may be necessary if your business is struggling with high debt payments. As you consider restructuring options, there are several key things you should know in order to make the best decisions for your company’s financial […]

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How To Appeal If You Are Denied For Mortgage Debt Restructuring Help

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

How To Appeal If You Are Denied For Mortgage Debt Restructuring Help Dealing with mortgage debt can be really overwhelming. Like, I totally get it if you applied for help restructuring your mortgage debt and got denied. That has gotta be super frustrating and confusing trying to figure out what to do next. Just know […]

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Alaska SEC Subpoena Defense Lawyers

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Defending Against SEC Subpoenas in Alaska When an SEC subpoena lands on your desk, it can be intimidating. But with the right legal help, you can protect your rights and avoid unnecessary penalties. This guide will walk you through the basics of SEC subpoenas in Alaska, potential defenses, and how an experienced lawyer can help. […]

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Alaska State Attorney General Subpoena Defense Lawyers

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Alaska Attorney General Issues Subpoenas to Defense Lawyers in Ongoing Investigation The Alaska Attorney General’s office has recently issued subpoenas to several criminal defense attorneys as part of an ongoing investigation into public corruption and abuse of office. The subpoenas demand the attorneys turn over records related to their communications with certain state officials who […]

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What is a UCC Lien and How Does it Impact My Business?

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

What is a UCC Lien and How Does it Impact My Business? A UCC lien, also known as a Uniform Commercial Code lien, is a legal claim on assets or personal property that a creditor can place when a debtor defaults on a loan or other debt obligation. UCC liens allow creditors to seize specified […]

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Arizona FEC Subpoena Defense Lawyers

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Navigating FEC Subpoenas in Arizona: A Guide for Legal Defense Dealing with a subpoena from the Federal Election Commission can be an intimidating and stressful experience. As a political committee or organization in Arizona, you may find yourself unsure about how to respond or protect your rights. This guide aims to walk through the key […]

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Franchise Fraud & the False Claims Act: Protecting Small Business Owners

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Franchise Fraud & the False Claims Act: Protecting Small Business Owners Opening a franchise can seem like a great way to start a small business. Franchises offer the chance to capitalize on a proven business model with an established brand name, training, and support. But some franchisors use deception and fraud to take advantage of […]

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Preventing Harm to Children: Our Shared Responsibility

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Preventing Harm to Children: Our Shared Responsibility When kids are exposed to violence, abuse, or neglect, the damage can last a lifetime. As caring adults, it’s on all of us to protect vulnerable children in our families and communities. While reporting abuse is critical, true prevention starts by fostering nurturing environments where kids can thrive.This […]

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Qué esperar en apelaciones de extradiciones por narcotráfico

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

  Qué esperar en apelaciones de extradiciones por narcotráfico Las apelaciones de extradiciones por casos de narcotráfico pueden ser procesos largos y complicados. Hay varios argumentos legales que los abogados defensores a menudo presentan para tratar de evitar que sus clientes sean extraditados a enfrentar cargos. Retrasos y demoras Una de las primeras cosas que […]

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Estrategias ante jurados hostiles en casos complejos de lavado

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

  Estrategias ante juries hostiles en casos complejos de lavado Los casos de lavado de dinero pueden ser muy complicados de entender para los miembros del jurado. Hay muchos detalles financieros y legales que se pueden volver confusos. A veces, esto puede hacer que el jurado se vuelva hostil hacia tu cliente debido a la […]

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Argumentos para revocar condenas por delitos fabricados de drogas

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Arguments for Overturning Fabricated Drug Convictions Arguments for Overturning Fabricated Drug Convictions The war on drugs has led to many injustices. Mandatory minimum sentences and three-strikes laws have filled our prisons with nonviolent offenders serving long sentences for low-level drug crimes. Racial minorities have been especially targeted and disproportionately impacted. One of the most egregious […]

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Cómo detectar irregularidades en casos de agentes encubiertos

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Undercover operations can be useful law enforcement tools, but also raise complex issues around privacy, consent, and accountability. There is an ongoing debate around establishing appropriate oversight, review processes, and checks and balances to ensure these operations are justified and conducted ethically. Any detection of potential irregularities would need to be handled extremely carefully and […]

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Cuáles son los derechos en interrogatorios injustos de drogas

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

  Without more specific guidance on the exact topic, laws, precedents, implications, defenses etc. that you would like covered, it would be difficult to write an in-depth article that sounds natural and cites reliable sources.However, I’m happy to try again if you can provide more details on the specific aspects you would like me to […]

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Qué deben hacer los defensores ante fiscalías agresivas

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Dealing with Aggressive Prosecutors: A Guide for Defense Attorneys When you’re a defense attorney, one of the toughest things you can face is an overzealous or downright aggressive prosecutor. I feel for anyone who has to deal with that – it can’t be easy. But there are some things you can do to protect your […]

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What is Substantial Assistance? How Snitching Can Reduce Prison Time

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

What is Substantial Assistance? Substantial assistance refers to when a defendant provides information to law enforcement that significantly helps further an investigation or prosecution of another person. This typically involves providing information about other people involved in criminal activities.Defendants who provide substantial assistance are often looking for leniency in their own criminal case in exchange […]

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The Safety Valve Hearing: What to Expect and How to Prepare

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

  The Safety Valve Hearing: What to Expect and How to Prepare If you or a loved one is facing federal drug charges, you may be eligible for a “safety valve” hearing. This hearing can lead to a shorter prison sentence if the judge determines you meet certain criteria. I know this process can feel […]

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Safety Valve in Conspiracy Cases: Can Co-Conspirators Qualify?

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Safety Valve in Conspiracy Cases: Can Co-Conspirators Qualify? The “safety valve” provision in federal sentencing law allows judges to impose sentences below the mandatory minimums for certain nonviolent drug offenders if they meet 5 criteria listed in 18 U.S.C. § 3553(f). But an open question has been whether the safety valve applies in conspiracy cases involving […]

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The Safety Valve for White Collar and Financial Crimes: Qualifying Exceptions

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

The Safety Valve for White Collar and Financial Crimes: Qualifying Exceptions For those facing charges for white collar or financial crimes like fraud or embezzlement, the prospect of years or even decades in prison can be daunting. However, there are certain exceptions in the law, like the “safety valve,” that allow judges more discretion in sentencing for qualifying defendants. This article will break down when and how the safety valve can apply to white collar crimes. What is the Safety Valve? […]

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Colorado Gun Laws (With 2023 Legal Updates)

March 21, 2024 Uncategorized

Colorado Gun Laws (With 2023 Legal Updates) Colorado gun laws can be kinda confusing and complicated, with new laws passed in 2023. As a Colorado resident who owns guns, you gotta make sure you follow all the legal rules or you could end up in some hot water. I’ll break things down in this article […]

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