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New Jersey Section 2C:35-3 – Leader of Narcotics Trafficking Network

New Jersey Law on Leading a Drug Trafficking Network – What You Need to Know

Being charged with leading a narcotics trafficking network in New Jersey is about as serious as it gets. This law, NJSA 2C:35-3, says you can be charged if you conspire with two other people to manufacture, distribute, transport or dispense illegal drugs like meth, LSD, PCP or GHB. If convicted, you’re looking at life in prison with no parole for 25 years. Yikes!

I know, that sounds terrifying. As a criminal defense lawyer in New Jersey, I’ve seen how these charges can completely devastate people’s lives. But don’t panic! There are defenses you can use to fight these charges. And even if you are convicted, experienced lawyers can help get your sentence reduced.

This article will break down everything you need to know about 2C:35-3 charges: how they’re defined, potential penalties, and ways a knowledgeable lawyer can help defend you. I’ll also give some examples of real cases I’ve handled to give you an idea of how these charges work in the real world.

What Does “Leader of a Drug Trafficking Network” Mean?

The legal definition of a drug kingpin in NJ is someone who:

  • Conspires with at least 2 other people, AND
  • Manufactures, distributes, transports or dispenses certain illegal drugs (meth, LSD, PCP, GHB, etc), AND
  • Acts as a leader of the group by financing, organizing, managing or supervising them

So you don’t have to be the sole ringleader to get charged under this law – even middle managers can face charges. The main thing is there has to be evidence you were actively conspiring with a group distributing drugs in New Jersey.

How Do These Charges Get Filed?

Most kingpin cases start with lower-level arrests. Cops will flip dealers or users, get them to snitch on their suppliers in exchange for lighter charges. They work their way up the chain this way.

Wiretaps are also common. Police will get warrants to tap phones, hoping to catch higher-level conversations about drug transactions.

In my experience, their evidence usually includes:

  • Testimony from informants
  • Undercover drug buys
  • Wiretapped calls or texts
  • Surveillance evidence (photos, videos)
  • Drug records like ledgers or texts

They’ll use this to build a conspiracy case claiming you organized a drug network.

Penalties for Leading a Drug Trafficking Network

Like I said earlier, these charges are about as serious as it gets in New Jersey.

If convicted by trial, the mandatory minimum sentence is life in prison, with 25 years before parole eligibility. The max fine is $750,000 or 5x the street value of the drugs involved.

And unlike most crimes, judges have NO discretion to lower your sentence under the Brimage Guidelines. The minimums are set in stone.

Defending Against These Charges

Facing charges this serious, your ONLY hope is an aggressive legal defense.

A good drug crimes lawyer will examine the prosecution’s evidence for holes. Some common defenses include:

You weren’t actually a leader/organizer – Perhaps you were just a courier or low-level dealer. Not enough to qualify as a kingpin.

Entrapment – Undercover cops coerced you into committing crimes you wouldn’t have otherwise. This can invalidate charges.

Illegal searches – If police lacked probable cause for warrants that led to key evidence, we can seek suppression.

Unreliable informants – Snitches often lie to get reduced charges. Their credibility can be challenged.

Unauthorized wiretaps – As mentioned earlier, any flaws in the wiretap process can nullify that evidence.

Lack of direct evidence – No direct proof you organized a trafficking network. Just hearsay.

Skilled lawyers know how to leverage these defenses to get charges dropped or reduced. Let’s look at some examples…

Real-Life NJ Drug Kingpin Cases

To give you an idea of how these cases work, here are a few I’ve handled defending alleged drug lords:

United States v. R.S. – My client was charged after a DEA investigation targeted a Dominican heroin ring. The evidence seemed strong – multiple informants pointed to R.S. as a leader, and wiretaps caught him discussing supply. But I argued he was just a courier, not an organizer. We pressured informants during cross-examination, exposing inconsistencies in their stories. Ultimately the judge agreed R.S. played a minor role. He pleaded to simple possession, avoiding life charges.

State v. M.R. – Here a client was accused of running a multi-million dollar cocaine network. However, the wiretap warrant lacked probable cause in my view. After months of litigation, the judge suppressed those wiretaps, gutting the state’s case. Charges were dropped from kingpin status to distribution, resulting in just 3 years prison instead of life.

State v. C.W. – My client was charged based mainly on testimony from two informants claiming she managed a drug crew. However, when we investigated the informants, we found they had long rap sheets for dishonesty. Their credibility was shattered during cross-examination. The jury ultimately acquitted C.W. based on reasonable doubt.

So you can see, even ironclad cases can fall apart under scrutiny from an experienced criminal lawyer. There are always opportunities to fight these charges.

Don’t Go It Alone – Get a Top Drug Crimes Lawyer!

I hope this article has broken down how serious NJ kingpin charges are, and how a skilled lawyer can defend against them. The potential penalties are severe, but with an aggressive legal strategy, there are ways to avoid decades behind bars.

Every case is different, but the examples above show these charges CAN be beat. So don’t panic or lose hope! The best thing you can do is contact an experienced attorney right away to start building your defense. Time is of the essence, so call today for a free consultation.

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