Fifth Degree Criminal Possession Of Stolen Property: New York Penal Law 165.40
It is against New York criminal law to obtain property taken by another owner. This crime is called receiving stolen property. Receiving stolen property is the byproduct of another criminal called larceny. Larceny is the act of unlawfully taking property belong to another individual without their permission and with intent to never give the property back.
The property such as money, real property or personal property is taken kept by the person who stole it. The property can also be given or sold to you. In this case, you can be charged with receiving stolen property in New York.
Receiving Stolen Property in New York is Separated by Degrees
In New York, you can be charged with receiving stolen property according to the value of the property. The higher the amount, the more time behind bars. The value of the property stolen is based on the market value of the item. For instance, a receiving stolen property charge in the first, second, third or fourth degrees are felony charges. They range from taking property valued at more than $1 million to at least $3,000.
The prison for felony receiving stolen property in New York ranges from one to 25 years in prison. You may also have to pay a fine.
Receiving Stolen Property in the Fifth Degree in New York is a Misdemeanor
Receiving stolen property in the fifth degree is the act of knowing obtain property stolen from another individual. It is a fifth-degree crime if the value of the property is valued at $1,000 or less. It is punishable by jail time and fines.
Prosecutors must Prove You Committed Firth Degree Receiving Stolen Property
New York prosecutors must prove beyond reasonable doubt you obtained stolen property. They must use evidence and testimony to support elements outlined in the stateโs penal code. This means prosecutor must prove:
โข You knowingly possessed property
โข You knew the property was stolen. Stolen property is any type of property that is wrongfully withheld, taken or obtained by the owner without their consent.
โข You had the intent to take the stolen property to benefit yourself or a third party. If you did not intend to receive some type of benefit, you intended to permanently deprive the property owner of their property.
The Jury Can Presume that You Intended to Benefit or Deprive the Owner of their Property
New York instructs a jury within their standard jury instructions they can presume you possessed the stolen property for personal benefit or the benefit of others. They can also presume you intended to permanently deprive the owner of the property. This presumption can be made under certain circumstances.
This means that if a prosecutor proves beyond a reasonable doubt that you knowingly possessed the stolen property, the jury may infer this third element. They are not required to infer you intended to personally benefit, benefit a third party or permanently deprive the owner of their property.
Defenses for the Charge of Receiving Stolen Property in the Fifth Degree
You have certain defenses available to you to fight a receiving stolen property in the fifth-degree charge. The exact defense depends on the circumstances and facts of your case. Some defenses available are used to negate one or more of the elements. For instance, you can contend you did not knowingly possess stolen property. You must know someone stole the property prior to giving or selling it to you.
Another defense is lack of possession. You must possess the stolen property. If you pay for a stolen item, but never pick it up, you cannot be convicted the crime.
Contact a New York criminal Attorney about Your Receiving Stolen Property Charge
The state makes it easy to convict an individual of receiving stolen property in New York. That means you must work twice as hard to prove your innocence. Start by contacting us. We are tough criminal attorneys experienced in representing people accused of receiving stolen property in New York.
Fighting this charge begins with an initial consultation. During the consultation, we will discuss your version of the facts. Unlike felony receiving stolen property charge, we typically cannot get the charge downgraded. It is already a misdemeanor.
That does not mean we do not have options. We will fight to get your case dropped before going to court. This requires showing the state they do not have a case against you. We will also prepare your case against you. We will not let the jury infer that you kept the alleged stolen property to benefit yourself, a third party or deprive the owner of the property.
Contact us immediately for help. We are ready to resolve this case for you. You have a future and it does not include time in county jail. Contact us today.
Fifth Degree Criminal Possession Of Stolen Property: New York Penal Law 165.40
When talking about stolen property, the crime of larceny often comes to mind. In New York, larceny is the act of taking property belonging to someone without their consent. In addition to taking the property, a person is accused of the intent to deprive the true of the property permanent. This means you never return the stolen property. Some people decide to keep the property. Other people decide to give or sell the stolen property. This creates a problem for many unsuspecting people. They can be charged with receiving stolen goods.
What is criminal Possession of Stolen Property?
In New York, receiving stolen property is defined under New York Penal Law 165.40. You can be charged with the crime if you knowingly possess property considered stolen and you do one of two things. You intended to interfere with the ownerโs right to obtain their property or intended to benefit from possessing the property.
You do not need to commit larceny. You can be charged if you merely have the property in your possession. It could be in your possession for minutes or weeks after a third party committed larceny.
criminal possession of stolen property is separated into five categories based on the dollar amount of the stolen property. These categories are called degrees. In New York, you can be charged with possession of stolen property in the first, second, third, fourth or fifth degree.
What is Possession of Stolen Property in the Fifth Degree?
Fifth degree criminal possession of stolen property occurs when a person who receives the property knows it is stolen. They seek to keep the property from its true owner or they benefit from having possession of the property. Itโs a lesser stolen property charge because the value of the stolen property is under $1,000.
criminal Possession of Property that is Stolen is a Class A Misdemeanor
In New York, a possession of stolen property charge can be a felony or misdemeanor based on the dollar value of the stolen property received. For instance, itโs 25 years in prison if a person is convicted of receiving stolen goods valued at over $1 million. The punishment for receiving stolen property in fifth degree is one year in county jail.
How a Possession of Stolen Property is Prosecuted in New York
Prosecutors must prove elements outlined in the stateโs statute to show youโre guilty of the crime. They must show beyond all reasonable doubt that you acquired or purchased stolen property. To do this, prosecutors must prove each element of the statute separately. There are three elements in a New York receiving stolen property charge:
โข You knowingly possessed property that was stolen.
โข You did one of two crimes. You intended to benefit from having the stolen property. For example, you intended to sell it. If you didnโt intend to benefit from having the property, you intended to stop the true owner from retrieving their property.
โข The property stolen was valued at less than $1,000.
In a stolen property case in New York, a judge can instruct a jury to infer or presume that you knowingly possessed stolen property. The inference can be made if prosecutors can clearly establish you knowingly possessed the stolen property.
Thatโs why it is important to contact a defense lawyer immediately about your stolen property case. You want to understand everything about your case and how to fight the charge.
Our Law Firm has Successfully Represented Many Clients Regarding Stolen Property Charge
Youโve been accused of receiving stolen property, and it feels like prosecutors have a mount of evidence against. You may fear the punishment associated with crime. Do not focus on things you canโt change. Instead, letโs focus on building a specific defense to help win your case or get the case dismissed.
You have many defenses available to you to fight a receiving stolen property charge. For instance, you acted in faith. This means that you didnโt know you were buying or obtaining stolen property because you assumed the seller owned the property. Other possible defenses include innocence, rescission or you rightfully owned the property.
Contact us today for help fighting your fifth degree criminal receiving stolen goods charge.
Don’t deal with Fifth Degree criminal Possession Of Stolen Property: New York Penal Law 165.40 alone. Speak to the Spodek Law Group today.